Camp Scholarships

Suwannee Banjo Camp Work Study Program

We offer a few work-scholarships each year. The deal is as follows: we offer $250 off your tuition in exchange for roughly 10 hours of work. Among the jobs you might be assigned to are helping with set-up and registration, assisting at the camp store and at meal times, and serving as “go-fers.” Be prepared to appear on site about an hour before check-in on Thursday and to remain on site to help with cleanup for an hour or two after the conclusion of Camp. Applicants should be physically fit, and should be unable to afford coming to camp without the scholarship. We would particularly like to encourage those under 25 to take advantage of this plan. If you are interested, please contact us and describe your situation. We reserve the right to discontinue this offer once we figure we have enough people signed up.

Youth Scholarship Program

Apply to our Youth Scholarship Program. If you are 25 or under and would like to apply for a youth scholarship, email us with a few paragraphs describing your musical experience and ambitions. It will also help to attach a recommendation from one or more instructors or established musicians who know you. The number of grants we are able to offer in any given year naturally depends on the level of contributions received. It is likely that most grants offered will take the form of partial scholarships.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

Send us an email at, and give us an idea of your musical background and why you feel that attending SBC 2024 will help you achieve your musical goals. A note of recommendation from your music teacher or from another music pro – particularly one of our current or former instructors – would also be helpful.

Donate to our Youth Scholarship Program

Youngsters often get a tremendous kick-start by being exposed to great players and to the exciting atmosphere of a banjo camp, but they often have trouble finding the resources to attend. In an effort to remedy this state of affairs — and help ensure the future of the music we love — our youth scholarship fund is aimed at helping to bring more folks under 25 to Camp.

If you can afford to contribute $25, $50, or even $100 to this cause, please note the amount of your donation in the appropriate box on the Registration Form.

Establish a Full- or Partial-Scholarship in Memory of Someone Special

You might consider setting up a once-only or recurring scholarship in the name of a family member or close friend who was a devoted banjo player, or who simply loved banjo music. We would get faculty recommendations to find suitable candidates for the award and announce the recipient and award name on the website and at Camp. For more information or to set up a named scholarship, email us with your thoughts.

Thank you for your support!